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Sylvia Kristel - "Mata Hari"

Oliver Tobias - "Ladoux"

Christopher Cazenove as
"Karl von Bayerling"
de Lint as "The Handsome Traveler" that Mata Hari has a brief encounter
with on a train before he is killed "in the act" by a poison-tipped blow
USA/ Cannon Group,
Inc., Golan-Globus production
Length - 105 minutes long
Director - Curtis Harrington
Writer - Joel Ziskin
Sylvia Kristel -
"Mata Hari"
Christopher Cazenove - "Karl von Bayerling"
Oliver Tobias - "Ladoux"
Derek de Lint - "Handsome Traveler"
More extensive film
credits can be found at the IMDb
From the back cover
of the video box:
Hari. The name means Eye of the Day in her native Javanese. There
has been no name more notorious, no eye more lethal, in the history
of international seductresses.
The daughter
of a sacred dancer, Mata Hari tours the capitals of Europe with her
hypnotically profane version of Java's ritualistic choreography. It
is her destiny to beguile men and women alike, in an era when the
shadow of World War I endangers every liaison. When she takes as lovers
two former friends, a German and a Frenchman, now enemies by the war,
she becomes a pawn in their deadly cat-and-mouse intrigues.
From the Folies
Bergère in Paris to the sinister Fraulein Doktor's office in Berlin
to an orgiastic party in Madrid, Mata Hari weaves her spell between
enemy camps and between satin sheets leaving behind her broken hearts....
and lifeless bodies."
From Some Famous Frisians:
Hari, (Malaysian for 'Eye of the Day', 1876-1917). Born in Leeuwarden
as Margaretha G. Zelle, she became famous as a dance-hostess in Paris
during World-War I. She had relationships with German high-ranked
officers, which caused her to be executed on grounds of espionage."
Entry (English)
Unofficial Sylvia Kristel Home Page (English)
Christopher Cazenove
IMDb Entry (English)
Oliver Tobias IMDb Entry
inspired by Notorious Ladies (English)
HerSalon Biographical
Sketch (English) very good!
Online - Someone in Time (English)
Lifts Veil on Mata Hari's Luckless Lovers (English)
Biography video (English)
Hari w/ Greta Garbo (English)
Ces Dames Qui Ont Traversé
L'Histoire... (French)
Mehr über das FLMD (Dutch)
More about the FLMD (English)
Last update to the content (pics/links) of this
page: 2/28/99
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