The First Unofficial Derek de Lint Fansite by Clair
Career Biography Pics Clips Articles etc Linkage For the Fans
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This is the home page of the first Derek de Lint *discussion* mailing list. It was founded in March of 1998. Join other fans in talking about this fine Dutch actor and his career. All nationalities welcome! The list started out on which merged with which was the bought out by Yahoo. It is now a "Yahoo Group."

Types of things you may enjoy while being subbed to this list:

Be the first to know about updates to this website!
VCR alerts for airdates of movies/tv series that are coming up on tv.
Anything new regarding Derek de Lint's career.
Alerts to ebay listings of anything related to DdL.
Discussing his past and present roles in tv/film.
Getting to know other fans just like yourself (that's the best part!)

List privacy. List archives are not available for public viewing. They can only be accessed by fellow members of the list. The member list is not viewable, not even to other members.

Your membership must be approved by the list-owner before you can post messages to the list or receive emails from the list. Memberships are approved at the discretion of the list-owner.

Note: the list is not a place for soliciting members, promoting products or other sites.


  © 1996 - 2002 by Clair on the web site design of this UNOFFICIAL fansite. Please do not publish this page anywhere else.
  Copyrights remain with their respective owners, as noted across the site. No infringements intended.